I started using Paint With Pearl about a year ago,,,like any painter you wanna have nice paint jobs,,,me I wanted kustom paint jobs,,so I started mixing the pearls in with the base coat and just see what happens,,and man this stuff was nice when I sprayed it out,,let it flash and take it out in the sun and wow,,so I  started naming the paint jobs that I do.
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The first one is called (Purple Delight) it looks purple when the sun hits it but it’s really blue,what I did was paint the base of the car in the dodge blue without the flakes, then went over the blue with the purple ghost pearl with three coats and you see in the pictures what happen to the blue,,,the funny thing about it is it’s still blue,,,you can mix it how you want you can go heavy or light and get a different effect
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The second one is called black gold,,,this one I sprayed the black base then mixed the gold ghost pearl in the binder and gave it three coats let that flash then sprayed gold flakes on top of that ,,about two coats of flakes and wow the effect you get is nice,,,I like to spray the coats by eye,,,sometimes it’s nice with two coats but when you spray three coats it’s even better.
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The scooter was painted with the kandy bright orange over a GM white base,,,I sprayed the GM white base first then came back over that with the kandy orange,,,it took three coats and wow it wasn’t kandy orange it was almost peach,,,then it looked gold at some angles,  I love using these pearls and candies,,,,
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My car was painted kandy purple on the top,,,I just sprayed the kandy purple over the grey and man what a pretty color,,,this one took about three coats of the kandy.