by matt | May 5, 2015
kustom Chameleon trike 4739OR Hey guys, This is the result of using your product. Go ahead and post it on your web site if you think it would be good enough. Application went easy, quick set up with only 2 coats before I did the clear coat. Regards, Bob J. DeGroot PS:...
by matt | May 5, 2015
1978 Ford F-150 kustom Paint Here are some pics of 1978 f-150, orange paint, orange copper, gold ghost pearl, clear. Looks fantastic, lot’s of compliments, thanks for all your help. Not bad for 1st. paint job, next will be much better. –TB We at Paint With...
by matt | May 5, 2015
Electric Blue Corvette Looking Dark I’ve been using your pearls for several years, I’m a total amateur at painting but I have a small handful of paint jobs under my belt, here’s a pic of my latest one. Black base coat, electric blue pearl under two...
by matt | May 5, 2015
Rat Fink Guitar from Naked Body Guitars Hey Matt. Dawn from Naked Body Guitars. Just wanted to send you a few shots of the completed Limetreuse Sparkle Bass project I finished for my client. I also wanted to inquire if you had a close up photo of the Peacock flakes as...
by matt | May 5, 2015
Gold Ghost Honda Here are some pictures of my son’s car, a 1989 Honda CRX I painted with a basecoat of red and two coats of shimmer gold pearl. The car looks great and gives it a creamsicle flip in color in the sunlight, I’ll be back for more of your products....