Route 66 Harley by Gary Matoucha

Route 66 Harley. This Bike Painted with a variety of our products, including Illusion Pearls, flakes, and Kolor Pearls.

A Cross Country Journey with a Custom Paint Job: 1994 HD FLSTN FatBoy

Looking to create a custom look for your motorcycle or other projects? Our customer, Gary Matocha from Spring, TX, has showcased how the versatility of our pigments can create a head-turning look with his 1994 HD FLSTN set up as a FatBoy. He has detailed how he used a combination of our Black Gunmetal, Pewter Titanium, and Gold Kandy pearls, along with our Gold shimmer, and Silver crystal ghost pearls, and Midnight Navy Blue and Apple Red metal flakes, and how it has brought his bike to life and captured attention everywhere he goes.

A Year Long Project with Incredible Results

Well its finally done… just in time for my ride from Texas to Calif and back, via the way of Route 66.

The attached photos are my first paint job – this is a 1994 HD FLSTN that is set up as a FatBoy.

The materials I used where the following:

Black Gunmetal
Pewter Titanium

Gold shimmer
Silver crystal



Midnight Navy Blue

Apple Red

All painted on a black base. Really get a lot of compliments on the job… Already have several bike jobs and two car jobs set to do since they’ve seen my bike…
THX for having a great product that is easy to work with!

Gary Matocha

Spring, TX

As he stated, his paint job took a year of weekends to complete, showing that this level of custom detail takes a great deal of time and care. By creating a base with black and then using layers of our kandy pearls, ghost pearls, and metal flakes, the customer was able to achieve a truly unique and noteworthy finish that draws attention where ever he goes. He also mentions how easy our products are to use, proving that custom paint jobs aren’t just for professionals!

The Power of Layering Custom Pigments

Mike’s approach highlights the power of our pigments and how they can be layered to create unique and captivating effects. This is a technique that you can use to take your custom paint jobs to the next level. When planning a project like this, here are some ideas for layering techniques:

  • Base Coat: Using a black base coat will help to enhance the shimmer and color of the pigments you layer over it.
  • Pearls: Our kandy pearls can be mixed with clear coats to create a rich, deep, and luminous base layer, and can be layered to achieve custom tones.
  • Metal Flakes: Our high quality metal flakes provide a high impact sparkle and a textured look, that can be used to create a unique top layer.
  • Ghost Pearls: Our ghost pearls can be added for their subtle iridescent shimmer and light-capturing effects that enhance the overall dimensions of the project.

The Versatility of Our Products

While this custom paint job was for a motorcycle, our pigments can be used in a wide variety of creative applications including:

  • Automotive Customization: Create unique and dazzling finishes on cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
  • Marine Craft: Transform the look of boats, jet skis, or other watercraft with custom colors and effects.
  • Artwork: Add shimmer, texture, and unique color shifts to canvas art or sculptures.
  • Home Decor: Use in faux finish applications, for furniture or other pieces of home decor.
  • Accessories and Apparel: Give your personal items a unique and personalized look.

Why Choose Paint With Pearl / Kustom Pearls?

At Paint With Pearl, we appreciate all of our customers who take the time to send us pictures and feedback on all of our products. Our Kolor Pearls, Metal Flakes, True Chameleon pigments, Thermochromics, Glow In The Darks and all other paint pigments are truly kustom paints and can be used in almost any application. There are so many options with our products! Photos, Videos and testimonials are a great way to show off the capabilities of our additives. If you find the opportunity, send us some great pics and a small testimonial about what you did with our products and we will send you a gift card for the website. We love to show off the work that our wonderful customers are doing. Contact us and send us your work!

All of our products can be used in vehicle dip, and we were the first company to supply the dip community with pigments. If you have any reservations about whether our products work in vehicle dip, know that we were the pioneers who introduced Plasti Dip Pearls to the world.

Shop with us…the leader in paint and Pearl Pigments Since 2005


Posted on

May 17, 2015